Tuesday, May 27, 2014

a toast

it's been 312 days and a couple hours since the last time i sat down to blog.
"312 days." she said in embarrassment. 

however, in the last 312 days i've managed to make some of the greatest friends, a handful of truly unforgettable memories, plenty of mistakes but more than anything, i've made salt lake city my home.

i remember thinking that salt lake became my home last year but i now openly admit to that being falsely premature. i thought home was a place that had a bed, at least one friend and a few instagram pics to prove how good the city looked on me but no. a home is a place where you fight, cry, miss your family, fail, succeed, smile, miss the buss, take ugly selfies with pride and still feel like you're in the right place.

i have had quite the journey this last year and to say it was easy would be a lie. i might even say it's been some the hardest times to date but these times of trial are now sweet novels that i wouldn't trade for anything. when the world would crash down and i thought there was no light at the end of the tunnel, something beautiful would happen--something truly extraordinary.

 i would find my keys

or a bobby pin would magically show on the bathroom counter right as i was trying to master the messy bun.

 i'd score big and find one more clean pair of underwear in the depth of my drawers eliminating the pressure to do laundry anytime soon

or i might just open the fridge in desperate hunger to find there was one more tv dinner left

the beautiful moments most of us choose to ignore or deem simply unimportant.
i always had a moment to be so incredibly grateful and it's shame it's 312 days to see that.

so i say we raise a toast to the beautiful benefits of tomorrow and a big fat YOU SHALL NOT PASS to the demons and shortcomings of yesterday.

there is such things as oreos.
and milk just happens to be real.

so if that's not a good enough reason to celebrate, i recommend all things harry potter & carbs.

Saturday, July 20, 2013


Despite public belief, I am alive. I chose not to look at the date of my previous post because I knew if I knew, I would feel even more ashamed than I do now. I realized one thing late last night while watching The Avengers. That being if I want to get anywhere in life, I best be keeping this blog updated.

|Example A| After a long day of work, I run into an old pal on my stroll home. I get excited to see her and go in for the hug before she quickly pushes me away and says with the most ugly look on her face, "Hugs are for people who update their blog." and then proceeds to walk away.

|Example B| While at church, I tried to crack a funny with what I thought was yet another pal before she returned my joke with a fake laugh, stared straight into my eyes and said, "Funny. Now blog it." and WALKED AWAY.

|Example C| Just when I thought I may find safety in the workplace, I find out my boss discovers my blog and calls me into her office. I will not disclose the exact conversations that took place but you should know I was harassed and repeatably called "lazy" for my lack of interest in my own blog. Her parting words as I was leaving the office were "Get it together."

You people only love me for my blog.
Alas, I shall provide the American people with what they want.

After much thought on what today's post should be about, I wandered to the pictures on my desktop. After a solid hour, I couldn't help but create awful memes about myself. So, what I've done is complied pictures of my face over the last year and wrapped up how I feel about specific things. You might find that that these faces accurately portray how you feel and with that, I applaud you in your Ashlynn ways. With out further adieu, I give the many faces of Ashlynn McCarter and how she feels about...

Thank you.
Tune in next Saturday where we'll discuss why EVERYONE has nipples but only few produce milk.

Sunday, April 7, 2013

let me tell ya 'bout my best friend

Just like promised on my guest blogging, here is a post dedicated to the hunk who's life has influenced my life since 7th grade.

For starters, Elder Smith is currently an LDS Missionary serving in Melbourne, Australia but really hops all around Australia. Jealously is real. He is currently on an island called Tasmania [pictured above]. He is doing AMAZING work and is pretty much the best missionary in  Australia. Trust me--I Googled it. I met Zach in 7th grade at a birthday party of a mutual friend and we've been best of friends since. This story is pretty funny because I envision it completely different than he does. Me and my best friend Hailey both noticed Zach from across the distance and immediately became overcome by his beauty--BRACES AND ALL. Hailey and I seized the opportunity and threw a competition on the table. You see, this birthday party was a midnight movie premier of Pirates of the Caribbean. SO, we were in a competition to see 1) who could steal the most of his attention before the movie & 2) who could end up sitting next to him in the movie. If you know me, my agility and speed is incomparable even at the feeble age of 13. Naturally, I won and the victory was never so sweet. Little did I know he was currently courting a young lady who ended up being one of my closest friends but needless to say, there was some drama after that night. If you are reading this Bailee, I am deeply sorry. BUT all is well that ends well! This dude ended up being my movie buddy for many more movies than I could have ever anticipated. Now, here we are, seven years later, 8,454 miles away, and stronger than ever! Zach and I have always been close but ever since he has left, our friendship has seemed to skyrocket. Our letters to each other mean everything and we look forward to our reunion immensely. For kicks and giggles, I thought I would share a few snippets of some letters from the man himself. This dude is hillar. 

my Alma in training

but above all, he knows me SO well.

Harry Potter themed envelopes? Marry me now.

So, I feel this was a good way for me to introduce my secret pen pal and I hope you look forward to more posts about this boy of mine just as much as I do. Bottom line, the man is a rock star and I cannot believe he will be home in a year! Half way through and his work resembles what others would get done in their entire two year service. I am so lucky to have him in my life and I'm so grateful for his example. But more than anything, I cannot wait till he is home and watching movies me with me again. 

As Zach once said,
"I cannot wait for our reunion. Angels shall sing!"

Monday, March 25, 2013

Tori Here!

Hello to all of the coolest people out there (because if you are reading this blog...YOU are cool). My name is Victoria (Tori for short) and I am so stoked to be able to guest blog for the cutest Ashlynn, such an honor for sure! When she first asked me about this, it was an immediate, "Pssyeah!" Who wouldn't right? 
So to be totally original and unique, I have conjured up a list of 10 things about me! Hopefully interesting enough to keep you from snoozin! So without further adieu, let's do this!
1. I think we all can say that an english accent is the sexiest thing known to man. 2 words. Harry Styles. Judge me all you want, but that long brown curly hair and thick Brit accent gets me every time. Such a dream boat that one. 
2. I love me some Diet Coke! Recently I've been making myself take it easy though and I've been substituting with blue Powerade (does it actually have a specific name?) and boy oh boy, that might be my new substitute. One that doesn't turn my teeth yellow and make me break out might I add.
3. Oh me oh my how I love to travel the globe. My mom's side of the family are big travelers so it runs through my blood (can it do that?). I love being in new places and completely vulnerable to new cultures and trying new things. My most recent travels have been Florida and Guatemala and we're at Disneyland about 2 times every month, so I don't know if you can call that traveling. My Pai (grandpa) is from Jacksonville, FLA so we go as one huge Bethea (my moms side) gang and stay on the beach for 2 months. ALWAYS a good time. Pai also was on a legal mission (mission for LDS lawyers) for the church down in Guatemala and had me come down there once for my senior trip, and another time just because I'm his fave grandkid. Not really. 
4. No explanation needed. I crave the beach day in, and day out. I fully intend on moving to Newport, CA when the means are right. I love surfing, I am a total nut about it. I am constantly checking my tide app on my phone to check when the waves are at their best, even though I live no where near them...A girl can dream right?
5. That's my boy! My blonde haired, blue eyed boy. He is currently serving an LDS mission in Angola, Africa and is LOVING it. His year mark is on April 18th and I could not be more excited! I miss him to death, but am so proud of everything he is doing! He is the best thing that really has happened to me and my ooey gooey love just continues to pour out for him. He da best.
6. Oh man, stick me in a room with a baby, and I will be happy for the rest of the day. I cannot wait to be a mom and smooch on my own kids, but for now, I'll take my time smooching my cousins faces and babysitting whenever I can. Babies = my weakness. 
7. Every year my mom asks me, "what do you want for Christmas" and I always respond with the same answer..."a watch" I have 10 right now and it just keeps getting bigger and bigger. If I leave home without one, I am naked. No, I don't feel naked, I am naked. If that makes any sense? 
8. No stress is my motto. But it happens here and there every once in awhile. Especially whenever I start thinking about my future and how little money I save...oops. But overall I'm way easy going and just love life as hard as I can...I know...how hippie of me.
9. My top 3 song choices are; Edge of Seventeen by, Stevie Nicks. You Better Shape Up by, Sandy & Danny from Grease. And Ready to Run by, The Dixie Chicks. 
10. You know how everyone has their "thing"? Anchors are mine. I love everything nautical, but not to that cheesy point where I have fishnets hanging up in my house y'know? 
Well that is it for me! I hope I have followed all the "Guest Blog Rules" and did this right! 
Go on over to my blog if you're just beggin' for more! 
Have a fantabulous week!

Friday, March 8, 2013

airport dialogue

Currently I'm sitting in the airport and I thought I would just disclose some of my thoughts..

1) Hey dude exactly 7 seats away from me, I think you're WAY hott. And I really hope that you're Seat B so I can show you my list of reasons why we should get married.
"Our children would be beautiful" would be at the top of the list.

2) Girl in cosmic looking jacket that scooted closer to my man, back off. Yeah that's right, look over here so my jealousy can become apparent to you and your explosion of color jacket.

3) Oh wait she's got a ring. We good.

4) Hey chik wearing the pants that I have in my suitcase, I look better in them.

5) Oh my handlebar mustache. Yess please.

6) This carpet is perfect for walking on.


8) Oh crap I just made eye contact with the hubs but I was yawning. I LOOK SO UGLY WHEN I YAWN. I look like I just stuffed a small infant down my throat.

9) She's is pregnant and so cute. That should be illegal. I'll go grab my sweatpants out of my suitcase for you to have. What color would you like hun?

10) Dude resting entire upper body on your beer belly, I wish I was you.

11) I'm craving a snickers that doesn't cost any money. Where can I find that airport person?

12) I sure hope none of these people are carrying a bomb.

13) BYU sweatshirt dude just entered the room. Party foul.

14) I wonder how many people I could convince that I'm made of plastic.

15) Ew whoever fluffed, I'm straight up calling the cops

16) I forgot to shave my legs this month


18) Unless you're offering my a burrito, don't talk to em




Saturday, February 9, 2013

where in the world is ashlynn?

This is what I'm doing when I'm not trying to save the world with my abundant knowledge.
So, if you've been wondering where in the world this waldo has been, I've been passed out in the Marriott Library womb chairs. No shame. But I have a perfectly good reason to refrain from leaving the confines of warm places. Cause look at this bull crap draping my ecosystem!

Cuss words cuss words...IT'S SO FLIPPIN COLD! Like, right now I'm sitting on my bed and trying to figure out why every joint in my body is writhing in pain. And then it occurred to me...
Well, message received bones. I know freezing weather ain't your cup of tea, but Mormon's don't even freaking drink tea! So get over that!
Everyone here says that this has been one of the worst winters in decades! Which makes me think either
a) My arrival caused a disruption in the very geological make up of Salt Lake (sexy joke to myself)
b) The second coming is near.
All in favor of option A, please say "I".

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

called to serve


Elder Zachary Todd Smith
Melbourne, Australia Mission
Been out: 237 Days (8 months)

Elder Matthew Chad Olsen
Nashville, Tennessee Mission
Been out: 223 days (7 months)

Elder Logan Paul Williams
Boston, Massachusetts Mission
Been out: 167 days (5 months)

Elder Camron Paul Webster
Atlanta, Georgia Mission
Been out: 1 day
Elder Seth Bloomfield
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Mission [Spanish Speaking]
Elder Christiaan Allen
Ghana, Africa Mission
 last but certainly not least, my soul sister

Sister Hailey Marie Archibald

 I just want to say that I've been blessed with some of the greatest friends on planet earth. Starting all the way back to Jr. high when this little redneck girl moved from Tennessee, these people became my family. I don't remember ever going a week without being with my boys? And more than that, I can't think of a week where I didn't have a sleepover with Hailey. Those were the glory days y'all and I can't picture the last 8 years without these sexy faces in it. These will be some of the greatest missionaries of all time--hands down. I've watched these beautiful human beings grow to be one with the gospel that they're proudly proclaiming and I can honestly say there isn't any better representatives for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.
As we part separate ways and grow in distance, the memories of a crazy and ridiculously fun yesterday keep this girl comforted.

Good friends are hard to find, harder to let go, but impossible to forget.
God speed my friends.